Living an Impartation or Leaving a Legacy

Everyone wants to leave a legacy.

It is our hope to be remembered after breathing our last. It is indeed a powerful concept that resonates deeply with me. Legacy focuses on the enduring impact a person will make on the world around them. It requires deliberate shaping of one's actions, values, and contributions to positively influence others and future generations. I believe in the importance of living a life that is remembered for its meaningful contributions.

While I wholeheartedly identify with the longing to leave a legacy, I believe there is an additional concept for leaders—impartation. Impartation involves training, sharing, giving, investing, and celebrating while actively in the thick of it together. Transferring resources and giving support, while still engaged in the work, with possible celebration between the giver and receiver, creates an even more profound and enduring remembrance than legacy because of partnership.

Rather than solely focusing on what is left behind, impartation emphasizes the ongoing process of sharing wisdom and resources while still growing the business or developing as a person. Impartation allows us to be an active part of the transformation we seek to bring about after we are gone.

By investing time and effort in mentoring, teaching, and empowering others, one can witness the immediate impact of their actions. The joy of seeing individuals grow, flourish, and accomplish great things under one's guidance creates a sense of fulfillment and purpose that is deeply meaningful.

Moreover, impartation creates a ripple effect, as the individuals who have been equipped and empowered continue to pass on their learning and experiences to others. This cascade of influence expands the legacy far beyond one's own life, creating a lasting remembrance through the lives touched and transformed.

It is the genuine connection and ongoing relationship that sets impartation apart from simply leaving a legacy. By actively investing in the lives of others, we foster meaningful bonds that endure even after our time here is done. The relationships formed through impartation transcend time, serving as a living testament to the impact made during our lifetime.

Impartation adds fulfillment and purpose during one's life journey—eating the fruit of one's labor. As we give and share, we experience a deep sense of meaning and significance in the present moment. The joy of seeing others thrive and succeed becomes a source of inspiration and motivation, igniting a passion for continued impartation.

The Apostle Paul's relationship with Timothy is a perfect example of impartation. Paul is called Timothy's mentor, while Timothy is referenced as a coworker with Paul in the work of ministry. (Romans 16:21)

Leaving a legacy is crucial for being remembered. However, I not only want to be remembered, I want to make an impact. Don't wait until retirement to offer yourself to the next generation. Don't wait until you breathe your last to offer your estate to the next generation. Live a life of impartation, actively depositing in the generations following after you by: training them, sharing wisdom, listening to their ideas, giving opportunities, investing in their success, and celebrating their wins.

Impartation allows us to witness the immediate effects of our actions while also creating lasting relationships that endure beyond our time on earth. Through impartation, we plant seeds of transformation that continue to grow and flourish long after we are gone, providing a stronger remembrance of our life's purpose and influence.

Do not wait for retirement, impart the best part of you and your resources now while you are still actively working in the fields.


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